Honestly, I'm not doing anything outside of work. I have been catching up with a lot of my high school friends over coffee and good food, and I have been taking a lot of alone time. I haven't been able to go shopping (which is good, because I'm not splurging on things I really don't need), and I have 3 weeks to go until I am able to leave for a mini-vacation.
Bscly, this was my week in pictures minus all my coffee shop visits with friends. Srsly, I was in my bed watching Netflix and Youtube beauty guru videos. Is this really my first summer of college?
I ordered a sweatshirt online a couple of weeks ago, and it finally came! I have been OBSESSED with Donald Glover since sophomore year of high school, and I finally got to see him live in Boston back in March. Let me tell you, it was one of the best concert I have been to, and I am considering going to see him again in September. Gambino's whole theme with his latest EP was surrounded on the Internet and its development. He hosted several hackathons and even developed an app for the concert which was interactive and super badass.
I have wanted this "Learn to Code" sweatshirt for a while, ever since he started selling them on tour. Since I was working at a computer science center, and my love for Gambino is infallible, I justified the hefty $55 price tag by convincing myself that I would wear it every day with purpose and finally purchased it. All I'm gonna say is that it's the most comfortable pullover I own, and even though I get so many weird stares in public, I have no regrets.
This is where I am currently interning. |
I thought the windows and the light shining in had this really calm effect |
It has been raining a lot in the South, and sunny days are pretty limited. So when I saw the sunlight shine through the glass, at work, I had to take a picture. Work gets pretty monotonous sometimes especially when the system is down for server updates. However, I really appreciate the calm aspect of my internship compared to the internships of my friends in Manhattan who are constantly running around. I really like the vibe here. It's more laid-back and not as cut-throat as Boston was.
Ignoring my chipped off nail polish, I really like this printed pants and Jesus sandal combo I wear to work.
I also stopped by the bookstore this week to pick up some books. I haven't read in so long because of my laziness and my lack of wanting to read after reading pages after pages of my textbooks during the school year, and it finally got to me. It makes me really sad that bookstores are slowly closing down due to Amazon. While ordering books on Amazon is convenient, that sheer excitement and anticipation we get from discovering new books while scouring through shelves is irreplaceable.
My taste for books as well as tv shows and movies has evolved over the year. I no longer am interested in the romcoms, romance novels, or even comedy. I am really fascinated in books and movies where people are vulnerable, alone, blind, and sort of twisted. I have been liking books that are filled with literary references and are difficult to understand at the first read. I really don't know why I'm like this, but now I am unwilling to watch or read anything that is not Kafka-esque. (hence the blog name) I know this needs to change (forreal doe).
So naturally, I was attracted to the Nabokov section at the bookstore and picked up two of his novels. Ada is so messed up, I love it, and I am so so so excited to read Invitation to a Beheading, because it is described as being inspired by Kafka.
I also picked up David Morrell's Murder as a Fine Art, and I literally think it's one of the most gory and raw books I have read in my mind. I have only completed the first 2 chapters, but those two chapters left me in so much shock and horror that I had to reread them. I think that all the hype I read online about the novel is worthy, as I am obsessed.
He compared the murderer to Titian. Literally how perfect is that. The inner art history nerd in me is fangirling very hard.
Other than that, I have been watching The Killing religiously on Netflix because the 4th season is premiering on Netflix. I really like the show because it really shows how a painful a death in a family is and how it can break down a family, and how intertwined politics and crime is. It's a great show, and I recommend it to those who have a thing for criminal shows.
Hope everyone has a great week and a new video will be up either tonight or tomorrow, I promise!
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