So, yup. This is my first post on my blog. I am really excited to start this summer project, and I hope you enjoy following my journey as I start posting. Anyways, I'm Rachel. I am a 19 year old college student attending school in Boston. Most of you probably know where I go to school because I make no attempts to conceal that fact. I really enjoy college, but there are a lot of life lessons and discoveries I made my first year that I thought would help at least one person out in the world. So here I am making this post!!!!
Like any other competitive college student, I picked up an internship last minute. I carpool to work, and I work from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. It's a full day and by the time I reach home, I am exhausted and unwilling to cook and clean. I never realized how much responsibility working adults have. Major props.
I thought it would be helpful if I showed you the contents of my bag that I take to work daily. There's a lot of tips I have learned just 6 weeks into my internship, and here I am, sharing with all of you, my secrets.
Bag: Longchamp Le Pliage Large - YES, everyone and their mother has one, but there is a reason why. It holds my whole life in it, and it's super light and durable. Because it isn't leather, I am not too worried when I am walking to work, and suddenly it starts raining. It also matches will almost all my work outfits, and it's more practical to carry a Longchamp compared to an all-leather Louis Vuitton tote.
Water bottle: College bookstore - one BIG lesson I learned during my internship is to bring a reusable water bottle wherever you go. At work, they charge a lot of money for water bottles, so bringing you own water will save you a lot of money overtime. Another big thing for me was that bringing my own water prevented me from buying soft drinks because for some reason Coke is cheaper than water. It lessens the temptations and keeps you hydrated.
Planner: Lily Pulitzer - At $18, this thing has kept my life in track. I write out my whole life starting from my grocery list to dinner plans with my friends. It's sometimes nice to have your notes written down when your phone suddenly goes missing or dies (which it does, often). I also write down all my meetings I have at work as well as future deadlines.
Notebook: Cornell Method - Possibly, one of the most important things in my intern bag. This notebook stores all my notes I make while in the office and keeps track of all the programs I run. I also really think that the Cornell Method for taking notes is really helpful. I usually use the margins to scribble questions I have or definitions I need to look up later. I like it so much that I am going to be using this layout for the next school year. I also find it essential to have post-it's in your bag at all times. There is always a moment when you need to jot something down.
Pencil Pouch - My pencil pouch holds all my Staedtler color pens I use while taking notes, permanent markers, and pencils. In addition, it holds my first aid kit, chapstick, meds, and gum. I like to keep my essentials all in one poach so it is very accessible and easy to find.
Wallet: J. Crew - More so a coin purse, but this thing has officially replaced my bulky wallet. I got it at J. Crew for like $9.80, and it's probably one of my favorite purchases. I hold my cash, cards, license, and even my school ID in it, and it still has some room in it left. It's super compact and really easy to carry around, especially if you commute to work.
iPhone 5S- Thankfully, I recently upgraded my phone from my super janky 4S, and I am in love. I literally survive on my phone, and I probably can't live without it. It has my life on it, and I am sad to admit that. Especially when commuting, I always pull up Spotify to pull up my favorite songs-one of them being Pools by Glass Animals (I'll do a post on my fave songs ofm soon). I also live on my Instagram and Snapchat, and I also type in all my schedules that are integrated to my google account. I also edit documents on my phone via google drive which is super helpful when you are interning and on the go.
Leisure Book: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami - If you know me in person, you would know that I am a Murakami fangirl and that I own at least 8 of his novels. However, I have yet to read his most famous work. I always carry a book around with me when I leave the door in the morning so I have something to do other than staring at my phone when I commute to work or whenever I have some free time.
Let's Freshen' Up : Burberry Brit, Hair ties, Comb, Lipgloss, CC cream compact- After work, I always hit the gym. However, after work, I sometimes have plans with my friends in the evening. To make sure I'm not super gross and smelly, I spray on some perfume, brush my hair, and apply a little color to my lips.
Eyewear: Glasses-Vogue. Sunglasses-Rayban - I think it's pretty much common sense, but make sure you protect your eyes and wear your glasses when it's sunny outside.
With all these stuffed in my bag and with my coffee and badge in hand, I'm out the door and able to function for the whole day. I'm really glad that I'm able to get paid for learning over the summer and network with a lot of really intelligent people. I want to know if you are working over the summer and what you are doing.
Happy Tuesday!
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